Ivy Malik
Unveiling the Hidden Value: Overcoming the ‘You’re too expensive’ Objection

Unveiling the Hidden Value: Overcoming the ‘You’re too expensive’ Objection


As a creative entrepreneur or designer, you've likely encountered the dreaded objection, "You're too expensive," when trying to close a deal. However, this objection can be an opportunity in disguise. By asking strategic questions and delving deeper into your potential clients' concerns, you can uncover their underlying value perception and address their objections effectively. In this article, we'll explore five essential questions that can help you flip the script and win those deals with finesse.

Why do you consider it too expensive? (Discover their value perception)

When faced with the objection of being too expensive, it's crucial to understand why your potential client holds this perception. By probing further, you can uncover any misconceptions they may have. This presents an opportunity to clarify the value you provide and communicate how your services can meet their unique needs and deliver significant results.

What are you comparing this price to? (Uncover their reference points)

Understanding your potential client's frame of reference is vital in positioning your offer effectively. Are they comparing your pricing to that of your competitors or their own budget constraints? By identifying their comparison points, you can address any gaps in their understanding and demonstrate how your value proposition outweighs any alternatives.

What would make it affordable for you? (Explore possible adjustments)

While it's not always possible to negotiate on price, exploring potential adjustments can be an effective way to find common ground. By understanding their budget limitations and desired outcomes, you can work collaboratively to create a solution that meets both parties' needs. This approach demonstrates your willingness to find a win-win scenario and can help overcome the objection of being too expensive.

Can you really put a price on the desired outcome? (Highlight the value of results)

Sometimes, clients may focus solely on the immediate cost without considering the long-term benefits and potential gains your services can provide. Remind them of the positive impact your solutions can have on their business, whether it's increased revenue, improved efficiency, or enhanced brand reputation. Quantify the benefits and demonstrate the return on investment they can expect by investing in your services.

What do the results mean to you financially? (Connect price to business benefits)

Shifting the conversation from price to the financial advantages of your offering can help your potential client see the bigger picture. Highlight the long-term benefits and potential cost savings they can experience by choosing your services. By connecting your price to the tangible business benefits they stand to gain, you reinforce the value you provide and make the investment seem more reasonable and worthwhile.


As a creative entrepreneur or designer, facing the objection that your services are too expensive is a common challenge. However, with the right mindset and strategic approach, you can turn this objection into an opportunity to showcase the value you bring to the table. By asking thought-provoking questions and digging deeper into your potential client's perspective, you can address their concerns and communicate the true worth of your services effectively. Remember, it's not just about the price; it's about the value you provide. Armed with these strategic questions and a finesse in handling objections, you'll be well-equipped to secure that next sale and continue to grow your business as a creative entrepreneur. Embrace the challenge, uncover the hidden value, and propel your success to new heights!

Want help overcoming this, book a call with Team Ivy to see if the program is a good fit for you.

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