Ivy Malik
Sales Scripts: The Death of Business

Sales Scripts: The Death of Business

Are you using cold call sales scripts when meeting with a potential client? 

Your sales script could be killing your business.

A sales script could be what’s preventing your from landing your dream clients. But then what’s should you be doing instead? How can you nail a sales call without a script? How do you handle an objection?

You can sell on a sales call without a script.


Why are sales calls killing your business?

When you use a sales script, it’s going to be easy to focus on what you’re going to say next instead of actually listening to your potential client.

If you’ve ever been in a conversation where someone is listening to respond, rather than listening to listen, then you know what it’s like to feel unheard.

You don’t want to do this to your client.

By using a sales script, you’re going to be more focused on “what is next on my script” and less focused on “what is this person telling me?”

A sales call should be a conversation, and conversations aren’t scripted.


What should your goals be in a sales call?

During a sales call, your main goal is to listen to what the potential client is saying, and let them know how you could support them.

The sales call won’t go well if the person you’re talking to feels like you’re trying to sell them on something they don’t need, or you’re not listening to what their needs are.

If you focus on listening to what the client’s needs are, you’ll know if you’re the right person to partner with them. You shouldn’t need to follow a script to communicate how your services can support the client.

Instead, just focus on having a conversation.

How can you handle objections without a sales script?

Objection handling is many entrepreneurs biggest fear.

What if they say I’m priced too high? What if they say that they want to work with me but they don’t feel ready? What if they say they need to talk to their partner about it before making a decision?

All of these objections and more may be roadblocks in you landing a sale on a call, but they can all be navigated without a script.

When someone objects to your offer, ask them questions. Ask them what they would be willing to pay, or why the timing isn’t right. Don’t try to bargain with them or go down on your offer, instead, try to understand where their objection is coming from.

Is the timing not right because they don’t see the value in your offer? Is the price not right because their expectations are off? There can be a number of reasons why there is resistance from a potential client—in your sales conversation, your goal should be to help label those reasons.


What about cold call sales scripts?

A cold call sales script is different than a sales script on a sales call, but it’s likely going to be just as ineffective.

When you cold call someone with a script, they know that you’re not putting the time and energy in to addressing their needs or pain points. They’re likely going to just ignore your touchpoint because they feel like you can’t even put in the effort to understand their needs.

Copying and pasting a sales script to cold call people in their DMS or reaching out via email can often be a waste of time because people aren’t going to take it seriously.

Focus on intentional conversations right from the start.

If you’re interested in cold calling, and want to go right into sales mode—you can, just make sure that you’re personalizing it to actually meet the needs of the person you’re reaching out to.


So, what should you do instead of using a sales script?


Throw your script out the door and be your true authentic self.

Spend time chatting with the client, getting to know their needs, understanding their business, and listening to them. This is going to help you build rapport and know if you’re the right person for their project. 

Then, talk to them about how you can help.

I’m a firm believer that selling isn’t scummy—you have something that can help the person you’re talking to. There’s a beautiful opportunity for both of you to work together to resolve a problem or need. You just need to explain to the buyer how you can help them.

You don’t need a script to communicate with them—you just need the ability and desire to help them.


Want to learn how to nail your sales call?

I can help!

I teach creative entrepreneurs how to navigate sales calls, and how to land those high paying clients. You shouldn’t need to rely on scripts, instead you should feel empowered to talk about your business with people who need it.


Learn more about how I can help you grow your business.

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