Ivy Malik
Mastering the Dreaded "What Do You Do?" Question with the Story Brand Framework

Mastering the Dreaded "What Do You Do?" Question with the Story Brand Framework


Networking events often present us with the daunting challenge of answering the question, "What do you do?" Many of us, especially those with non-traditional roles, find ourselves struggling to provide a concise and impactful response. However, there is a powerful tool that can help us craft compelling narratives and confidently communicate our value: Donald Miller's Story Brand Framework. In this blog post, we will explore this framework and learn how to create a lasting impression with our answer, leaving behind the awkward silence.

Introduce the Hero (Your Client):

The first element of the Story Brand Framework is to identify the hero, who in this case, is your client. Rather than focusing on yourself and your own achievements, shift the spotlight onto your client's aspirations, needs, and desires. By demonstrating that you understand your client's perspective, you create a relatable connection that captures their attention.

Present the Complex Problem:

Every hero faces a challenge or problem that needs to be overcome. Identify the complex problem that your client encounters in their journey. This problem should resonate with their emotions and frustrations, highlighting the significance of the issue they are facing. When you articulate their problem effectively, your client will feel understood, and they will be eager to learn more about how you can help them.

Position Yourself as the Wise Guide:

In the Story Brand Framework, you assume the role of the wise guide who can lead the hero (your client) to success. Emphasize your expertise, experience, and unique skills that qualify you to guide them through their challenges. By positioning yourself as the trusted advisor, you instill confidence in your client and establish yourself as the solution to their problem.

Offer a Clear and Concise Plan:

A crucial step in the framework is providing a clear and concise plan of action. Break down the steps that your client needs to take to overcome their problem. Ensure that your plan is easy to understand, actionable, and aligns with your client's goals. By offering a roadmap to success, you provide your client with a sense of direction and purpose.

Include a Call to Action:

To drive your client towards taking action, incorporate a compelling call to action. This can be an invitation to schedule a consultation, sign up for a newsletter, or explore your services further. Make it clear how they can engage with you and take the next steps in their journey. A well-crafted call to action motivates your client to move forward and seek the transformation they desire.

Describe a Successful Resolution:

The final element of the Story Brand Framework is to illustrate a successful resolution. Paint a vivid picture of how your guidance and expertise have transformed your client's life or business. Share success stories, testimonials, or tangible outcomes to demonstrate the value you provide. This helps your client envision their own success and motivates them to engage with your services.


Crafting a compelling answer to the question, "What do you do?" can be challenging, but with the Story Brand Framework, you can transform this awkward moment into an opportunity to leave a lasting impression. By focusing on your client as the hero, addressing their complex problem, positioning yourself as the wise guide, offering a clear plan, including a call to action, and showcasing successful resolutions, you can effectively communicate your value and build meaningful connections. Embrace the power of storytelling and confidently share your unique narrative at any networking event. Say goodbye to awkward silences and hello to impactful conversations that captivate and inspire.

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